Federal Tax, Tax

Protect Your Identity When Shopping Online

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over, but shopping-related scams persist. That’s why the IRS wants taxpayers to take these simple steps to protect their identities, their financial assets and their devices: Shop at sites where the web address begins “https” for an added layer of protection and secure online communications. Don’t shop on unsecured public Wi-Fi; stick to Wi-Fi that requires a password. Keep your devices armed with updated security software, including a firewall and a “stop malware” feature. Always guard your personal information. Finally, remember that these scams heat up during the holidays but continue all year. For more security tips, click here.  Contact the Cg Team for more information. © 2019

“Cyber Monday Shopping List Should Include Safeguards against Online Thieves.” Internal Revenue Service. IRS Tax Tip 2019-168, December 2, 2019. https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/cyber-monday-shopping-list-should-include-safeguards-against-online-thieves.